Cineuropa Shorts Top 5 European Shorts of 2015 - Introduction

As International Short Film Day is celebrated on December 21st 2015, Cineuropa Shorts unveils choices for the Top 5 European Short Films of 2015

20 December 2015, by Laurence Boyce

13th London Short Film Festival unveils programme

Festival includes tributes to Harmomy Korine and Adam Yauch as well a plethora of UK and International shorts.

14 December 2015, by Laurence Boyce

Czech short film Peacock to compete at Sundance

Ondřej Hudeček successful run with Peacock to be crowned in Park City

14 December 2015, by Martin Kudláč

Short Film Conference announces nominees for Short Film of the Year 2015

Eight shorts appear on shortlist created by global network of film festivals.

14 December 2015, by Laurence Boyce

European Short Pitch 2016 Calls for Works-in-Progress

ESP adds new segment of coproduction forum: pitches of works-in-progress

10 December 2015, by Laurence Boyce

Sundance announces short film programme

Titles include Cannes and Venice winners

10 December 2015, by Laurence Boyce

Planes in the Night flies all the way to the top

Danish director Tobias Gundorff Boesen’s short left with four prizes, when Danish film magazine Ekko celebrated new film and talents from its on-line Shortlist

30 November 2015, by Jorn Rossing Jensen

Hellenic Film Academy presents Short Film Fund at Thessaloniki

Gathering funds from private sponsors, the HFA’s project-seeking contest will serve as both a financing tool and an training experience

13 November 2015, by Joseph Proimakis

Seemannsgarn triumphs at Swiss Film Day in Winterthur

Animation wins out over 13 other films from Swiss Film Schools

06 November 2015, by Cineuropa Shorts

2015 edition of Sleepwalkers International Short Film Festival Announces Competition Films

Tallinn based festival reveals titles of films that will play in four diverse competitions. Includes Student Oscar winner and winners at Encounters, Sundance and Palm Springs.

06 November 2015, by Cineuropa Shorts